[Impromptu] Impromptu are Under the Influence of... Alligator Mouth!

Impromptu impromptu at lists.opendomein.nl
Thu Nov 4 01:32:39 CET 2010

  Saturday 20 November, 2010

    We proudly announce the world première of /Under the Influence... of
    Alligator Mouth./

We thought Impromptu was unique... well, we were wrong. For years, deep 
in upstate New York, 4-piece improv ensemble Alligator Mouth were 
secretly using music, song, poetry, dance and video in their performances.

So then we asked ourselves: wouldn't it be crazy if we teamed up? So we 
sort of asked them whether they'd come over and do a joint performance, 
and to our horror and delight they immediately agreed. There's no going 
back now...

Will there be a mutual chemistry? Can we dance together? Will we fall 
off each other's cliffs? Will we cancel each other out - or unleash an 
uncontrollable chain reaction?

An improv theatre experiment that could blow up in our faces. Will we 
survive? Will anyone survive? See for yourself in Impromptu's /Under the 
Influence... of Alligator Mouth/, in which eight of us will collaborate, 
fulminate, activate, fascinate, strangulate, titillate.... don't be late!

Show starts: 8.30pm
Tickets: EUR8
Reservations: 06-52336662
Venue: Zaal 100, Wittenstraat 100, Amsterdam


Alligator Mouth <http://www.alligatormouth.com> (Rhonda Morton, Peter 
Chwazik, Amber Espar, Sean Lukasik) is a multidisciplinary improvisation 
ensemble based in upstate New York. Uniquely for the US, Alligator Mouth 
draw continuously on movement, vocals, music, poetry, and video. 	
	Impromptu <http://www.impromptu.nl> (Ralph de Rijke, Hans Kuykens, 
Grainne Delaney, Hannah Borst) is an Amsterdam-based music improv 
theatre group that has built an international reputation with a decade 
of ground-breaking work to bring music, sound and movement to centre 
stage in improv theatre.

  Zaterdag 20 november, 2010

    Impromptu is trots op de wereldpremière van: /Under the Influence...
    of Alligator Mouth./

We dachten dat Impromptu uniek was in de wereld; we hadden het mis. Al 
jaren had, ergens diep in upstate New York, de 4-koppige formatie 
Alligator Mouth in het geheim en met dezelfde passie gewerkt aan zang, 
poëzie, dans en video in hun improvisatievoorstellingen.

We vroegen ons af: zou het niet te gek zijn om samen te spelen? Een 
spontane uitnodiging viel direct in goede aarde: tot onze schrik en 
genoegen hapten ze gelijk toe! En nu is het niet meer te stoppen...

Maar, zal er sprake zijn van wederzijdse chemie? Passen onze danspassen 
bij elkaar? Tuimelen we niet van elkaars klifffen? Doven we elkaar uit 
of ontketenen we juist oncontroleerbare kettingreacties? Een 
theaterexperiment dus met onvoorspelbare gevolgen. Overleven wij dat? 
Overleven jullie dat?

Maak het zelf mee in /Under the Influence... of Alligator Mouth/, waarin 
we nu met z'n achten, acteren, inspireren, musiceren, activeren, 
fascineren, balanceren, fulmineren, pareren, enthousiasmeren en wellicht 

Voorstelling begint: 20.30
Kaarten: EUR8
Reserveringen: 06-52336662
Plaats: Zaal 100, Wittenstraat 100, Amsterdam

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