[Impromptu] The 'Impromptu needs your help to get to America' LOTTERY! In CAPITALS!

Impromptu impromptu at lists.opendomein.nl
Fri Sep 16 12:03:04 CEST 2011

    Are You Feeling /Lucky/? Do You Like /Winning Stuff/?

*Are You Interested In Almost Certainly Winning Any Number Of Amazing, 
Unique Prizes
For A Minimal Outlay And Bringing This Tasteless Deluge Of 
Capitalization To An END?*

Then come to the show on September 30, stay behind afterwards, and join 
us in the
*Incredible 2011 Impromptu USA Flight Travel Fund Lottery Of A Lifetime*!

Tickets are just*EUR5 each*-*/and you can hardly fail to win/*because we 
have*50 prizes!*Just look at this:

    * *5*places in a*music improv workshop*with the unique,
      ground-breaking music improv group Impromptu! Us!
    * *5*places in a*unique boat ride*: a canal tour in thehistoric
      zalmschouw IJ <http://www.grachtenschouw.nl/>, with live musical
    * *2**taxi rides*anywhere you like in Amsterdam, in a beautiful 1972
      Citroen DS Break - with live musical accompaniment!
    * *5**Impromptugrams*: telegram messages delivered to anyone in
      Amsterdam by Impromptu in any style you want!
    * *5*You're coming with us! We take your*portrait photograph*to the
      US and include it in our tour photos!
    * *5**songs*on any subject you want RIGHT NOW!
    * *5**poems*on any subject you like RIGHT NOW!
    * *5*opportunities to be in the*next scene with Impromptu*RIGHT NOW!
    * *15*other prizes that we*haven't even thought up yet*and are
      therefore NOT AT LIBERTY to divulge at this point!

You could win*/any/*orindeed */all/*of these prizes! Of course, if you 
have moral, religious or health objections to games of chance,
we are naturally eager to accept donations of any size. We are offering 
the following DONATION THANK-YOUS:

    * *A EUR50 donation*and we'll post a picture of you on our website
      praising your support, wealth and all-round marvellousness!
    * *A EUR500 donation*and we'll do the same AND give you a private
      performance on any subject and at any location you like!
    * *A EUR1000 donation*and we'll do the same for your company!

*If you can't come to the show but you're still feeling lucky, buy your 
lottery tickets online!Just transfer any multiple of EUR5 to 4533275 / 
WR de Rijke - don't forget to leave your name.We'll include your tickets 
in the draw. And we'll love you! Thanks for supporting us!

YouTube clip 
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